Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Here We Go Again

Hello everyone and here we go again. I have been on a hiatus because shit happens in a person's life and my mind was clogged for a long while. So I drank some drain and now my mind is unclogged; for the moment. While on hiatus, I have been uploading information and really getting my thoughts together.

A lot happens in peoples everyday life and wouldn't it be nice if we knew what people were doing on the other side of the planet? There are almost 7 billion people in the world. In the United States, the average lifespan of a person is about 80 years. If we met a new person everyday for 80 years we would not nearly meet everyone in the world.

So here is my point; why is it that people like to stay in their bubble? Why can't we get out there and see what this world has to offer?  I know life sucks and there is pain and suffering, but maybe we just need to get out of our comfort zone. There are many places and many people out there for us to waste our time   stuck in one place. Lets do what we have to do to be good.

Now some may say this is running away from your problems, but this is not about running away, It's about wanting more than this life has to offer.  It's about being eager to learn and being hungry for knowledge. It's about not settling for less, but settling for more. Why must we be ok with what we have now when we can have so much more. Times are tough now and there is no money for people to be out there exploring life because hey! lets be realistic everything is about money. Money talks and bullshit walks.

People! we have minds and we have hope. No matter how down in our luck we are, there is always
hope for something better. as long as we want more and have hope for something more then that hope will eventually drive people to get to the point of their desires.

From now on let us take this into consideration and try to want something more...