Monday, November 29, 2010


Hello! My name is Friend. So this is my first time ever blogging. So welcome me! How did I get my name name friend you ask? Well, let me tell you the story. I have this awesome friend called FRIEND. I met her when we were both in middle school, but we didn't actually hang out till we were in high school. She is my Best friend. For some reason we started calling each other friend, and now that's our name. Please don't copy. Just kidding, anyone is welcome to call whoever they want friend. Anyhow, that's just a little story, I kept it nice and short because I tend to go on and on... Besides that, Everybody welcome and remember that I am your friend!


  1. Friend....Welcome to the blogging world :-D

  2. Thank You Want To Be Wonderful! I have many things to say, so be ready. LoL

  3. I love your layout :)
