Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Confused and Not Amused

So I wrote one blog and then I have not written ever since.  I love writing, but it has to feel right. I do not want people to read crappy stuff so I rather write when it's the right time.  It has been a couple of rough weeks: Drama, problems, headaches, and many more. Im sure everyone goes through tough times, but that is not the reason why Im writing.  I have been meaning to write about life, or at least how I see it. You will be interested to know that I make sense in some weird kind of way.

LIFE, what is it? What does it mean? Why are we breathing? Let me tell you this, WHO THE HELL KNOWS!!! This year has been a challenging year for me, but also a very eye-opening, revealing year. My very dear grandmother died, I graduated from college, my parents separated, and just recently my pet tortoise Fred died(I cried soooo much! I loved my Fred). I have been looking back at my year and I realize I am only 23 years old, a college graduate and I cannot get a damn break! I ask myself, "people please, what more do you want from me? I am a nice educated girl." One of the hardest things I am facing is not being able to find a decent job that pays me well enough for all the hard work I did in college.  This is when I start wondering why did I even go to school for? I know people that go to a whatever kind of trade school and they are making way more than I am! What the hell is wrong with this picture?

So therefore, I am stuck now in between what is life and how life should be.  I can honestly say that I am totally clueless. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and what I should do, Im confused, but you know what? It is OK.

I was having coffee with a friend and this conversation came up. She told me she did not know what to do with her life and she did not know where her life was going. (OK, SO I KNOW THIS HAS BEEN  PRETTY BORING UP UNTIL NOW, BUT YOU DEFINITELY WANT TO READ THE FOLLOWING) I told her, you are only 21 years old. what can you possibly know about life and what you want to do if you are barely starting to live? It all came to me. So people think about it, since the time we enter kindergarten up until our senior year of high school, we are brought up to decide what kind of career we want for the rest of our lives.

By Junior year in High School, we have to already know what we are going to do for the rest of our lives. Why does this seem wrong? In our Junior year in high School we are about 15-16 years old. What is a 15 or 16 year old  going to know about life and what they should do the rest of their lives? The maturity level has not hit yet and to have the pressure of deciding the rest of your life is really not a good idea at 16. Therefore, since we are trained to decide what to do, we know what to do at 16 years old. At least we think we know.  So you apply to colleges and then you go, but as you are there you start to wonder what is it that you really want to do? College is no joke and since it's tough people start to second guess their first decision. This is why the drop out rate of freshman in colleges is so high.

Can you really blame these kids who are 17 or 18 years old and they get scared because they do not know what to do? Hello!!!! they are kids! I do not think a person knows what to do with their life until at least 25 years old. For example, I was 17 years old when i began college. I was a kid in the real scary world of College and no parents. Yet,  at 17 I was working towards the rest of my life. I graduated college because it was expected of me. I think I did it more for others than for myself. I do not regret graduating college because it felt damn good!

So going back to my friend, she is 21 and she is deathly scared because she says she should have already known what to do with her life. She is young and has not gotten much experience of life to know exactly what to do. Society as a whole expects us to know what to do with our lives at the age of 17. Cmon? Really? No! it should not be like this. If people know what to do at the age of 17, then hooray for them! but for those who do not know and you are only 20 or 21 years old, then it is not a big deal. Make sure you know exactly what you are going to do the rest of your life before you choose the wrong path.

Remember that everyday is a new day and everyday we learn how to breathe.

Sorry... I warned everyone in my first intro blog that I tend to go on and on.

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