Monday, December 13, 2010

The Wanabes

Ok, so we all have those days when we look back at our school years and say "What the hell was I thinking wearing those clothes or that hairstyle?"  Well, let me tell you that we were all following a trend. Yup, Bell bottoms used to be kool, and Aquanet used to puff up girls hairs. Who remembers those god awful Soda shoes? The ones the spice girls used to wear... Ahhh memories. We may have been so dumb to wear and do such things, but it was fun and kool in the time being.

Well, we are all human beings trying to fit in the social scene. Yes even you gothic people! we all try to fit in some sort of a social scene. So here is my problem with that. A lot of us go out of our way to fit in a "scene"just because we want to fit in so badly. Many strive to be popular and liked by many, but is that really who we are?  A lot of people end up changing their attitude, their personality, and everything about them just to "fit it." Why? Why do people have to change their hair, their clothes, their true way of thinking, and basically who they really are just to fit in a social scene? Who knows.  Maybe, many do it because what they really want is to fit in someway and somehow. Maybe, some do it because they want to be liked by others and have many friends.  Hey! some do it because that is the trend at the moment. I mean who wants to be the odd one out, or the loser, or the one who just doesn't fit in. Uh... Not me!

Therefore, following the trend is important because nobody wants to feel left out or be known as the loser. Like I asked before Do we have to change who we really are for a trend? Where do we cross the line? So here is my theory; Don't change who you really are!!! Nobody should be judge for liking a certain type of music, or liking certain types of clothes, or for thinking a certain way. A problem with these trends is that we are constricted to like certain things.

I think people should do what they want, like what they want, and think whatever they want all as long is not hurting other people or themselves. People should be free to be whatever they want to be.  It's nice to follow a trend, but people please dance to the beat of your own drum. Be you and that's it!

Remember to be a leader not a follower.

Hey kids, we might be the one's to change the world.

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